Thursday, February 25, 2010

Macbeth: Act V

It is fun to see where the title of "Sound and the Fury" came from. I think the passage where it says, "Life's but a walking shadow.....Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury" reminds me of how Benjy, the retarded idiot narrated the first part of Faulkner's book.

I also think that this quote is meaningful because it seems to sum up the general message of the entire story. No matter how hard Macbeth tries to change his fate, it is impossible to change the circumstances. He plays his part in life as a puppet does on stage, then he dies and becomes no more. It reminds me that we humans are mere ashes and dust in the big picture of life.

Lady Macbeth would probably have blabbed out the truth anyway if she continued to talk about the blood of Lady Macduff and Banquo. She would have been eliminated after war if Macbeth made it out alive. If Macbeth didn't die in battle, he would have become lonely indeed. I think Malcolm was pretty noble to offer Macbeth life if he surrendered to him by kissing the ground before his feet. But by this time, I assume Macbeth had this "king" role too stuck in his head. Pride comes before the fall as the bible says.


  1. Yeah, the "idiot" is definitely referring to Benjy. I'm surprised that you're surprised that I didn't talk more about the sound and the fury quote but it was an afterthought and I just thought I'd add it into my post for fun :P


    Interesting thought that Lady M would have been eliminated after the war if Macbeth had lived. Would have been quite the bloody play if Macbeth had ended up finally turning on his own wife and killing her, too.

    Macbeth would never have surrendered to Malcolm, you're right. But if he had, and he had made it out alive, I don't know if he would have been that lonely... it's not like he and his wife shared the greatest relationship or anything. Sad.

  2. Although there is a possible chance that Lady Macbeth would have been eliminated after the war if Macbeth had lived, I still think that there is more of a chance that Lady Macbeth would have killed Macbeth first like a black widow spider haha.

  3. Black widow spiders have been known to kill people. If I were to be in Malcolms situation I would have lopped off Macbeth's head.
